Grief Education

Ecopsychology And The Benefits of Nature On Health

Ashley Waite

"A 20,000 person study at the European Centre for Environment & Human Health at the University of Exeter found that "people who spent two hours a week in green spaces — local parks or other natural environments, either all at once or spaced over several visits — were substantially more likely to report good health and psychological well-being than those who don’t. Two hours was a hard boundary: The study, published last June, showed there were no benefits for people who didn’t meet that threshold.

The studies point in one direction: Nature is not only nice to have, but it’s a have-to-have for physical health and cognitive function.

These studies have shown that time in nature — as long as people feel safe — is an antidote for stress: It can lower blood pressure and stress hormone levels, reduce nervous system arousal, enhance immune system function, increase self-esteem, reduce anxiety, and improve mood.”

For many individuals, grief and stress go hand-in-hand. If stress, anxiety, mood swings, high blood pressure, and lower immunity are grief reactions you are experiencing, consider setting a goal of spending 2 hours per week in nature as a supportive element for your care plan.

Source: Jim Robbins • January 9, et al. “Ecopsychology: How Immersion in Nature Benefits Your Health.” Yale E360,

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